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Saturday, August 24, 2024



(John 6:60-69)

God created us in freedom and allows us to freely decide whether to follow Him or not. The same freedom He gave to Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden is the freedom He gives to the disciples in the wilderness today. He continues to give us this freedom now and again to choose Him above all things. But most of the time, like Adam and Eve, we choose to follow the wrong voice because of greed, hunger for mundane glories, and selfish aggrandizements.

Human beings can be selfish. They come to get satisfied. They usually think of their immediate gain. Most of the time, they don't think of what the other sacrifices are, what the giver feels, and how to satisfy the one who offers. They are ready to take a leave when the going seem tough.

Jesus, after feeding the five thousand, started teaching about Himself as the bread of life. He took away their attention from the material to the spiritual. They changed their mind and stopped following. Only a few remained. These few are the only ones left with Jesus. He inquires to know how determined they are to stay on with Him.



Imagine Jesus watching the great multitude who hailed Him move away from Him. They were singing and shouting after the multiplication of loaves like we do today to our politicians: ' Jesus ka anyi ga eso ma o na eje eje ma o na ala ala Jesus ka anyi ga eso'. Indeed, they wanted to make Jesus a political Messiah, but He refused. He is the Christ. Time must come when we should watch what does not give glory to God in our lives and allow them to go away, when we must let go of some persons, powers, influences and forces that are ungodly. At this time, we may feel that we have failed. We might feel that we have wasted our time. We might think that we have lost our popularity and glory. But from Jesus, we must learn to allow such moments to take their course. The scribes and Pharisees might have thought that Jesus had failed like other historical persons that came claiming to be the Messiah.

Jesus saw Himself alone with just a few. It was indeed a decisive moment. It was a time to know those with Him and those against Him. It was a time to really know those upon whom the Eucharistic faith would be instituted. It was not a failed venture. He has known the real faithful.

Jesus watches those who go away, and He addresses you personally . He needs nothing but a sincere answer born out of deep conviction.

The Church of today must not allow those who are not serious with the teachings of Christ to dictate what happens in the Church. Let their whys not make us compromise on what we believe, on the tradition that has been handed down to us from ages past by the Lord and His real followers. Let us not allow them to deceive us.



What is really holding you? If you are given the opportunity, will you go or stay? Do you have any personal reasons that will make you stay on with Christ? Have you had any personal Eucharistic experience? When you walk away, where do you move to?

Many have moved away from confession, many have moved away from communion, and others have stopped receiving it in the state of grace. Many have given up on prayers. Some persons have stopped going to Church. They prefer clubs, parties, the socials, etc. They make other things priority in their lives. Jesus watches in silence. He watches in surprise. He looks in wonder. Where do they think they are going to? Can they really live without me?

Jesus asks us the question because He trusts us. Even if others should go, He expects us not to go. He wants to know what is drawing us away from Him. He wants us to see Him and feel His longing to be with us. Will you also leave me?

Will you, priests also leave? Will you, Christian father, equally leave? Christian mother, are you leaving too? Young man, are you leaving me? Beautiful girl, where are you heading to? Will your life be better or bitter without me? It will certainly not be better.

Hear the voice of Christ asking you these questions in your various attempts to leave His Holy Side. Let's remain at His side to draw the life that flows therefrom.



In response to the question of our Lord today, the remaining disciples standing with Him professed: "Lord, to whom shall we go? You have the words of eternal life; and we have believed, and have come to know, that you are the Holy One of God."

This is what the Lord expects from us. This is the solution to our problem of faith and confusion in the world. Till we stop going away from God, until we hold unto the Lord as the Only Director, Teacher, Inspirer and Leader we will keep wallowing in mistakes and wandering without purpose. Let us all go to the Lord, to taste and see how good He is even after being failed by the world.


We come to You Lord, we have no one to run to, save us from despair. Deliver us from the tempting forces drawing us away from you. We wish to remain faithful to You, adoring You, especially in the Holy Eucharist. Bring us back by Your word when we derail through Christ our Lord. Amen

Happy Sunday (21st Sunday, Ordinary Time, Yr B)

Rev Fr Julian O Ekeh

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