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Monday, July 29, 2024

 Monday of 17th Week, Year II: reflections

Theme: Great things start with little beginnings

Reading: 13:31-35

Dear friends in Christ, in the two parables of the gospel reading of today, Jesus illustrated how great things start from little beginnings.

The parable of the mustard seed described how the smallest seed grows into one of the biggest shrubs whenever it is planted. Then, the parable of the leaven and the dough described how a tiny amount of leaven causes the dough to rise when it is added to it.

Jesus used these parables to demonstrate how the kingdom of God would eventually grow from the little efforts He was making in the small country of Israel, as well as the little efforts of his disciples and those who will believe in them.

Despite its little and shaky beginning, the immense expansion of God’s kingdom on earth serves to encourage us in our little beginnings in life. It teaches us never to despise our little beginnings and those of other people. Every beginning goes through ups and downs, but those who easily give up because of the shaky nature of every beginning never get to make it. Little beginnings need patience, perseverance, consistency, and trust in oneself and in God.

Those who seek great things in life but are reluctant to start from small beginnings are encouraged to think twice about what they actually want. Many people have found themselves in various degrees of troubles because of the fear to start from small things and the quest to become great without starting from the little things within their reach.

May God give value to our little efforts in life and may our little beginnings lead us to greatness. Amen

Fr Isaac C. Chima

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