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Wednesday, July 3, 2024

July 3: Feast of St Thomas, Apostle

Theme: Faith culminating in self-surrender and service

Readings: Eph 2:19-22; Jn 20:24-29

Dear friends in Christ, today, the Church celebrates the feast of St Thomas, one of the twelve apostles of Jesus. When the disciples of Jesus dispersed on account of persecution in Jerusalem, Thomas travelled to India and preached the gospel of Jesus fearlessly among the Hindus beginning from 52 A.D., establishing seven Christian communities (known later as “St. Thomas Christians”). In A.D 72, he suffered martyrdom, using his blood to bear witness to the faith he proclaimed by words of his mouth.

Whenever the name of Thomas the apostle is mentioned, the first thing that comes to the mind is his doubt when he heard that Jesus visited the other disciples at the upper room after His resurrection. However, looking beyond Thomas' doubt, we will see someone who never wanted to base his knowledge of the risen Lord solely on the testimony of others, but rather wanted to enrich his faith through a personal encounter with Him, as well as a man whose faith culminated in his self-surrender to Jesus and heroic service to the Gospel.

When Thomas finally encountered the risen Jesus personally, he exclaimed, “My Lord and my God,” thereby enlightening the other disciples about the divinity of Jesus: He is not only Master/Lord or Son of the living God, but God Himself. Hence, Thomas gifted the early Church with what would become the true identity of Jesus.

Dear friends, St Thomas challenges us to desire to know and encounter Jesus personally, to allow such encounter with Him to transform our beliefs and our lives, and to use such encounters to transform the lives of the people around us, bearing witness to Jesus with everything we have.

St Thomas, pray for us

Fr Isaac Chima

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