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Saturday, July 20, 2024



(Mark 6:30-34)

The Gospel of today presents to us the apostle's return after the mission they were sent to do. 

The sensitive saviour observed how exhausted they were even though they were filled with joy. He wished to call them away from the crowd. He wanted to give them a special treat. He thought of the best place for them to get the relaxation they needed at the moment. He would have loved to give them some timeout. They arranged for the place, but the omniscient Jesus must have known what awaits. It became an opportunity to teach them the 'post-apostolic' work lessons. He had given them the 'pre-apostolic' work lectures before their departure. Now, at this reunion He teaches them that it is not over. There is no holiday in being good. There is no rest in the work of God. When one ends, another begins. In these works, you will find your rest.



They went away in the boat to a lonely place by themselves. Many saw them going and knew them, and they ran on foot and got there before them.

In a world where only money, celebrations, shows, and powers are valued, Jesus is telling us that what we have to offer apart from these is also most valued. People will rush after you. Your services will be needed someday. You must be noticed. You won't even be able to hide when you want to. You will never stop shining. You can't stay out of reach of Divine network and the connection of Grace and favour. People will come to you. You will be sought for one day.

You may not be happy with your output initially. You may not know the light you carry. You may think that the anointing is finished.  God will send people to you to teach them lessons of life and to give you more reasons to keep trusting and working for Him.

The blessings of the Lord for you will not stop flowing child of God.

Have you returned after the day's labour, your business, your office work, not seeing any much results?  Talk to Jesus and follow Him to the place of rest, the place where you will find fulfilment for your work. You may think it will still be the same story, even with that last strength push on with God. Give in more time, touch more lives, and you will not regret it.



It is now obvious to the apostles that they can't find that type of rest they longed for. They can't rest away from God and the unfinished work of God in their hands. Then Jesus turned their attention to an action word called: 'compassion'. They just returned from the work they did as a mandate. He now wants them to realize that outside their normal office, apart from their stipulated time for duties, they are still expected to use their time for leisure for God.


Everyone prays for Friday and thanks God when it is Friday so that 'ngwori' (Enjoyment) will begin. At this time, Jesus turns our eyes to the many people out there who labour all through for nothing and wants us to think of how to incorporate them, to gather them like sheep.

It could be your siesta time as a medical doctor, a nurse, or a priest.  Jesus tells you to feel sympathy and empathize still for that person in the emergency ward, in a problem at your rest time. He is like sheep without a Shepherd. If you starve him of your care, he may die.

You may be wearied with the daily activity you do as a husband or wife, but our Lord Jesus is saying turn please to the complaints of your little children, if you abandon them like sheep without a Shepherd they will be starved of home training.

At the weakest moment of your life as a human being God gives you the grace to make some sacrifices for Him with the heart of compassion to the people around you who look up to you as sheep, be their shepherd then.



The Gospel ended with these words: "He began to teach them many things."

The meaning here is a very deep one. Jesus taught them many lessons. Yes! They were very desperate when they looked for Jesus. Their desperation will not allow them to think straight as to understand that Jesus needed rest and a timeout with His disciples.

They would have really not blamed Jesus so much if He had turned them down. But when Jesus with His disciples gave them the attention they were seeking and even more they were amazed, they learnt an important lesson therefrom. The Apostles, too, were taught to be more loving and to become teachers and leaders of compassion.

That became the rest. This rest is satisfaction that the people one is working for are happy; that what one was asked to do was carried out well; that there is job satisfaction at the end of the day; that even without any pay one goes home fulfilled; that even without having all the earthly wealth, one is proud of raising God-fearing children despite the weariness and frustrating situations.

Jesus got His satisfaction more than He would have had after partying with His apostles and sleeping or swimming away somewhere.

Can we as shepherds in various sectors of life leave unnecessary jamborees and tend to the sheep in our care with love, care, and compassion? This is how to find the rest we need. May God help us.



Like the apostles, Oh Lord, we are tired of the various responsibilities under our watch. We are tempted to find excuses to rest away. But thank You for teaching us the lesson of finding joy even while doing our works. May we look for reasons to help others and not reasons to keep away from being of help. Bless us as we pray to find joy in all we do here on earth through Christ our Lord. Amen

Happy Sunday (16th Week, Ordinary Time Yr. B)

Rev Fr Julian O Ekeh

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