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Saturday, July 6, 2024



(Mark 6:1-6)

'See finish' trends as a slogan or slang that depicts a condition whereby everything about an individual is known. One who has been 'seen finish' has nothing to pride about. He's got nothing more to offer. He has given out all in him or her. He has so exposed himself that his respect has gone forever. He has been sized and kept aside. He is relegated to the background. His own is finished. He can't make it again. He has reached his zenith. He has reached his diminishing returns. The Igbo people say: "Añugbuo ngwo akpo ya okpokoro" (The tapped palm tree is nothing but an empty wood). The 'seen finish' has no sweetness again. Another Igbo proverb says: "Ahushie ọgọ ahụọrọ ya ji" (Familiarity breeds contempt). Onye iberibe amaghi na nwanne ya bu ọbia (You may take what you have for granted without knowing its worth), Onye na amaghi mmadu na akpo ya onye a (You may be with someone without really knowing what is in him).



We saw the above illustrations manifest in the Gospel of today. Jesus was 'seen finish'. He was sized. No one believed he could have anything to offer. His society has looked down on Him because of His background. For that, they kept Him on the ground, never to rise again. He was thrown away. He was buried. But He converted this situation to their amazement. Jesus converted His buried state to a planted state. He was buried to decay, but He germinated without delay. He was thrown away to waste away, but He bloomed anyway.  What was His secret? He knew He was unstoppable.

He started his mission. He began to teach. He gathered a good number of followers who marvelled at His wisdom. Hence the question: Where did this man get all these? 



The people, your environment, your world, your society, your community, and your family may have seen you as a failure. Surprise them, child of God. God sees you as a positive package.  Manifest in spite of them. They think they have seen it all. They have not seen anything. The beautiful you are yet to be born. You've got many beautiful things to do in the world. You should help midwife these potentials. You have a mission. Move with a sense of purpose and a visionary spirit. The better 'you' coming out will shock those who mock and inspire those who admire. Don't give up swimming against the discouraging currents. Don't give up because of the corrupt system of the country. Don't be weighed down by bad government.

Don't be lazy. Don't wallow in self-pity. Don't cry, but try harder.



Jesus allowed the lookers to look on. The more they looked, the less they saw. He took His time working on Himself. That was why His coming out became a shock to the crowd. Entertaining and listening to the crowd distracts and weakens you. It psychologically makes you believe the wrong painting they give you. Shape yourself by the word of God. Allow God to paint you according to His will. 

Work on your studies, work on your project, work on your apprenticeship, work on your family, work on your marriage, and work on your vocation. You can indeed surprise those who think you are a never-do-well.

Has your boss 'seen you finish'? Surprise him with the new you. Has your wife/husband seen you finish?' Let him/her see the new you that is better than the seen. Have you been called the son of a carpenter? Produce furniture materials that will surprise the world.  Is your family name known for evil? Change the narrative.

You're a narrative changer. You're created by a God who changed narratives. He turned darkness into light. He made a day out from night. He made something from nothing. He made wine from water. He made life from death.

He makes you from what the world sees to be useless. God will surprise those who try to suppress you. You're not a finished product. Even if you have made mistakes in the past, take the right step. Even if your ancestors have failed in the past, change that story for good. You are the only one who can finish yourself. You cannot be finished when God has not said so. Whatever your enemies have seen is just a track, cooperate with God so that the best version of you will manifest to their amazement.

Beloved in Christ, take these wise words home today: 'E lelia nwa Ite, O gbonyuo oku.' (The stone which the builders rejected will surely become the cornerstone)

God may have allowed people to look down on you for long. It is for a reason; they will look up to you. Be the shining star in wisdom, in holiness, in truth, in homemaking, in all good deeds. May no condition make you feel finished when the Lord is actively working in and for you.

May God bless His word in our hearts.



Lord Jesus, we thank You for Your word today. Many of your children are facing societal and family letdown. Let them not be discouraged. Teach us all to learn from You to live above the world's definition about us by holding strong on what you have destined for us. Bless Your word in our hearts now and forever. Amen

Happy Sunday (14th Week, Ordinary Time, Yr B)

Rev Fr Julian O Ekeh

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