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Saturday, June 29, 2024




The world is full of crowds of people wrapped in darkness, sickness, bondage and devil’s deceit. But those who have true faith in God find the courage and way to draw nearer to Jesus in order to stay within the reach of his healing hands which he extends to us. God knows our plight and sent his only begotten Son to heal our world, and when Jesus came, he affirmed that; “The spirit of the Lord is upon me. He has anointed me to bring good news to the poor. He has sent me to proclaim liberty to captives and sight to the blind; to free the oppressed…” (cf. Lk. 4: 18 // Is. 61: 1). Jesus went about doing good, healing many who are trapped by the envy of the devil, touching and changing lives. Many sought and drew near to touch him received their own healing as well.


THE FIRST READING (WIS. 1: 13 – 15; 2: 23 – 24)

In the first reading, we are meant to understand that God created the world without adding any sorrow, any poison, or any death. He created man for incorruption and eternity. But the envy and deceit of the devil brought death and sorrow into the world. The wisdom writer upheld that righteousness is immortal. And so with righteousness we remain close or nearer to the image of God (perfection), and farther from the destructive powers of sin. Righteousness therefore brings us nearer to the healing and saving grace/hands of God.


THE SECOND READING (2 COR. 8: 7. 9. 13 – 15)

To draw nearer to the healing hands of Jesus, St. Paul urges us to excel in faith, in utterance, in knowledge, in love, and in gracious works; using our abundance to ease the want of others so that God would also use His own abundance to ease our own wants. Whoever does this is never far away from the healing and saving touch of Jesus all day!



In the gospel reading, we saw Jairus maneuvered the crowd and came face to face with Jesus begging him to come and lay his healing hands on his dying daughter that she may be well again. As St. Paul recommended, his faith, knowledge and utterance were excellent. We also saw the woman with the flow of blood who also overcame the crowd to touch Jesus herself in order to be healed. Both of their healings came by virtue of their faith and their close contact with Jesus. They did not allow the crowd or their status to discourage them from getting nearer or close enough to Jesus their healer. Their strong faith was the driving force that drew them nearer to Jesus against all odds.



Like St. Paul rightly said; if we excel in faith, in knowledge, in love, in gracious works, and in righteousness, we are always a touch away from the healing hands of Jesus. With these virtues we can also subdue/overcome the envy, deceit and trap of the devil which draws us away from Jesus our healer and brings sickness upon our bodies and souls. In faith, righteousness and love, we pray and also invite Jesus today to lay his hands upon us that we may live graciously and freed from our diseases. May God touch us one more time and heal us by his love!


Happy Sunday!

Fr. Justin

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