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Saturday, June 22, 2024




In the letter of St. Francis de Sales, he narrated his experience at the country district where he lived. He had observed a farmyard across him where a farm servant (a little girl) often goes across the farmyard to draw water at the well. St. Francis noticed that, before the girl lifted up her brimming water vessel, she always put a piece of wood (twig) into it. One day St. Francis de Sales approached the little farm girl to inquire why she always does that. She replied with a look of surprise; “To keep the water from spilling…to keep it steady.” Writing to a friend later on, the bishop told this story and added; “So when your heart is distressed and agitated, put the Cross into its centre to keep it steady!” In every time of storm and stress, the presence of Jesus and the love which flows from the Cross bring peace and serenity and calm.


THE FIRST READING (JOB 38: 1. 8 – 11)

In the first reading, we are meant to understand that we need Jesus in our life’s boat because he has the power to steady the forces of nature and keep them within their boundaries. The forces of the seas, the clouds, the winds and the lights are subject to him. God determines how far they can go in order not to pose a serious problem to the other creatures of God which man is the number one. With God in your life’s boat and journey every destructive or dangerous forces of nature has a limit they can never exceed in your life. With Jesus in your life, every villainy of the devil, mortal danger of the enemy and evil projections have a line they will never cross in your life. For God Himself would set boundaries for them; and He would not allow your life/path to spill over where they can harm you.


THE SECOND READING (2 COR. 5: 14 – 17)

If we have Jesus in our life and live for him, St. Paul convincingly assures us of the love of Christ Jesus which would establish us. St. Paul affirmed that Jesus is the only one who has and is ever ready to die for us; taking up our suffering, our beating, our death and condemnation. Jesus wants us to live and have life in abundance. Hence, St. Paul concludes; if anyone is in Christ Jesus or vice versa, he is a new creation and old things shall pass away; he would continue to experience a new day, a new year, a new life, a new blessing, a new strength, a new height, a new inspiration and a new breakthrough!



In the gospel reading, we saw a practical example of what the presence of Jesus meant in our life’s journey. Jesus must be there in your life for the days of trouble, so make room for him in your plans. Then you would have whom to turn to, whom to call for help. There are storms we face in life that the company of our fellow men may not be able to help us. We need the company of Jesus to sail safe and through; we need God within our reach, so that, we are one touch, one tap, or one click away from our source of help/safety. God made all things and by default has control over all things; even the sea, storm and winds hear his voice.



Brethren, indeed, there is no one like Jesus in steadying our life’s boat; the Jesus who walked upon the sea without sinking. If we have him in our life’s boat/journey we shall never sink with our troubles; we shall never be blown off our feet nor off our destination; we shall never be wasted nor waste our life, efforts and time for nothing. Invite Jesus to come walk with you today and always, and your life would be steady, your growth would be steady, your blessings would be steady, your income would be steady, your helpers would be steady, your protection/safety would be steady, and your happiness and peace of mind would be steady and never shattered by any storm!

Happy Sunday!

Fr. Justin

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