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Saturday, June 15, 2024

 11th Sunday, Year B: Homily by Fr Isaac Chima

Theme: Let us continue sowing the seed of God’s Kingdom in others

Readings: Ez. 17:22-24; 2Cor 5:6-10; Mk 4:26-34

On this eleventh Sunday of ordinary time, the Church reminds us that, as part of God’s kingdom, she is like a tree planted by God in the world. In her early beginning, she was like the smallest of all seed, but she eventually grew up to become the noblest of trees, with her branches reaching all corners of the earth. She is the physical manifestation of God’s kingdom established on earth by Jesus. So, like the birds of the air, we are called to make our home in her.

The first reading gave us a message of hope and restoration. It was a message of hope and restoration from God to the people of Israel exiled in Babylon. Through the prophet Ezekiel, God revealed to the Israelites His plans of restoring the kingdom of Israel. He said, He will take a small branch of cedar and plant it on a high mountain in Israel. This small branch will grow into a big and noble cedar. All animals will find shelter under its shade, and on its branches, birds will build their nests. This was a prophecy that God was about to transfer his people from slavery, poverty and misery to a realm of justice, peace and prosperity.

Though God freed the people of Israel from slavery after some years and brought them back to Israel, the ultimate fulfilment of this prophecy was in the coming of Jesus, who freed his people from slavery of sin, saved them from the misery of sickness and established the kingdom of God on earth.

In today’s gospel reading, Jesus used two parables to describe this kingdom of God which he had established. The first parable told us that it is a kingdom where God grants increase to the little works or efforts of men. In this kingdom, which is the Church, men and women go about everyday spreading/sowing the seed of faith through their words, examples and testimonies, but it is God who waters this seed of faith in the hearts, families and societies that welcomed it, making it to grow into a bigger kingdom where the fruits of peace, love, grace, and numerous blessings will be harvested. We should, therefore, be patient whenever we sow this seed of faith in our brothers, sisters and friends. All we need to do is to continue watering it with good examples and it will definitely grow and bear fruits.

Most times we think that what is required to convert our friends are big arguments/talks about faith or big faith examples or heroic acts of faith, but this is not always the case. The kingdom of God is rather like a mustard seed, the smallest of all seeds. But wherever it is sown, it grows bigger than all other trees. Thus, a small example of faith, few words of faith or small example of good action, as small as the mustard seed, is sufficient to plant the seed of the kingdom of God in the hearts of our friends, brother, sisters and colleagues. And whenever this seed of faith is sown, God will grant the increase. The growth and fruiting of this seed of faith may not occur immediately, and how this will happen, we may not know. But St. Paul says that those who have the inner eye of faith will see it happen, because we walk by faith and not by sight.

Therefore, dear friends in Christ, let us not wait for bigger opportunities or bigger occasions to make Christ known to others, let us rather start with the small and ordinary daily experiences and activities; even if they are as small as the mustard seed, God will transform them into big trees.

Happy Sunday, dear friends

Fr Isaac Chima

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