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Monday, May 6, 2024


Tuesday of 6th Week of Easter: Reflection

Acts 16:22-34

In yesterday's gospel reading, Jesus told his disciples that they would be persecuted, but that they should not be afraid; instead, they should remain firm in such moments, because He will not abandon them.

In today’s first reading, we saw how God did not abandon Paul and Silas when they were attacked, molested and imprisoned in Philippi. According to the story, as Paul and Silas were singing and praising God from the dark room where they were locked up, the power of God came down and the foundations of that prison quaked, the iron doors flew open and the bars that were used to fasten the hands and legs of Paul, Silas and the other prisoners were broken and fell off.  

The Church informs us today that the God who delivered Paul and Silas is still actively working in our midst, and will deliver us from the hands of our persecutors and from wherever they have fastened us. Therefore, we should remain firm in our faith in Him. This reading also teaches us not to relent in praying to God and praising His name, even in the most difficult moments of our lives, those moments when all hope seems lost.

Jesus has promised to send us the Holy Spirit. One of the works the Holy Spirit does in our midst is to liberate us, to break all the shackles the evil one has used to bind us and to shatter all doors that have kept us from being free. Let us raise our voices in prayers and praises, imploring the Holy Spirit; the hour has come. His presence will change the course of our lives.

May the God who delivered Paul and Silas deliver you from all trials and troubles. Amen

Fr Isaac Chima

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