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Friday, May 10, 2024


7th Sunday of Easter, Year B: Reflection by Fr Julian Ekeh


(John 17:11b-19)

At the Holy Mass, the priest invites us with the following words: "Sursum corda", "Welitenu obi unu elu", Lift up your hearts.

In the Holy Gospel of today, John the evangelist pictured Jesus lifting up His eyes to heaven in prayers. During His lifetime, Jesus prayed to His Father as we saw. He remained in the practice of heavenward prayers from the heart till the last hour of His life.

When the stay of Christ on earth was ended, He made the disciples together with Mary to fix their gaze on Him as He ascended. It was not an empty, idle gaze but a prayerful one to Him who sits at the right hand of the Father. This is in agreement with the Psalmist, who in Psalm 121 affirmed: "I will lift my eyes to the mountains... My help shall come from the Lord, who made heaven and earth." Christ knows very well that we cannot do without His help. That is why even in His physical absence, He assures us of a spiritual presence and calls for our total dependence and reliance on Him.

Indeed, this is a special Sunday. A Sunday that precedes the Pentecost Sunday. It is a Sunday that falls within the Novena to the Holy Spirit. It is a Holy Day, it is the day of the Lord, it is very special for we stand here to anticipate the Promise of the Lord. In this Gospel, we see the Church receiving a call to prayers. The prayer is directed to God, with Christ at the head. Thus, with Christ the head, the Church offers her worship calling out Veni Sancte Spiritus, Veni creator Spiritus.

Let us appreciate this Holy privilege given to us by Christ to participate in this Holy novena even in our unworthiness. Let us call on the Spirit that is Holy to put to flight all unholy powers operating in us.

Jesus offers us a line to call with. Just as people who travelled to overseas give their new numbers to their families and close friends as soon as they arrive their destination, Jesus, having reached His heavenly destination, gives us a number, a line to keep calling with. This line will not fail us;  prayers. He wishes that we come over to where He is when the time comes. But He wanted us to stay connected to the zone where network coverage is available. Thus, He insists that the Apostles remain in the upper room.

He takes them away from the noisy world, from distractions, from bad companies. He takes us to the Upper room, to be above the world, our passions, the pleasures of the flesh, etc.

As we unite in Spirit and Heart with the universal Church, let us bear the following in mind:



Do everything that will glorify God and shun everything that diminishes the glory of God. By this, we live prayers and not just saying prayers.



Jesus prayed for eternal life. As we lift our hearts in prayers, let us think of our eternity; Let's try to know God and Jesus Christ. Make out time for "lectio Divina" and meditation. Thus, know that everything does not end here. Live in the Spirit and make our Spirits one with the Spirit of God so that we may inherit the kingdom of God and not lose eternity with Christ in heaven.


Jesus says that you're His. So do not look right, left and centre. He cares about your soul. He gives all that is His to you. He wants to bless you with the Holy Spirit. You are not alone even when the world deserts you, Jesus will not abandon you once you remain strong in prayers.

Dearest in Christ, lift up your eyes and lift up your hearts. Do that at the summon of the Lord. Do not allow sin to put your eyes down. Do not allow laziness to hold you down, do not allow the flesh to weigh you down, never allow the situation of the country to remove your gaze from heaven. Do not be bowed down by pains, fears, shame, family problems, etc.

Don't let this moment of prayers to the Holy Spirit slip from your hands.

Remember, the Lord will not leave you as an orphan. He will come, and your heart will rejoice. Till then, lift up your heart and remain in the mood of prayers.



Thank You, Oh Lord, for calling us to look up and see what blessings await us in the spiritual realm. Keep our eyes fixed on You. Deliver us from the temptations that threaten to weaken our spirit. Open our eyes to see Jesus Your Son blessing us, interceding for us and fulfilling His promise to us from the Holy throne of glory in heaven. We ask these through Christ our Lord. Amen.

Happy Sunday (Easter Week 7)

Rev Fr Julian O Ekeh

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