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Thursday, April 11, 2024


Thursday of 2nd Week of Easter: (memorial of St. Stanislaus – Bishop & Martyr)


Acts 5:27-33

The daily readings continue to show us how Christ's resurrection has transformed the lives and actions of his disciples. It is a power that raised soldiers of the faith in Christ from men who were first hesitant to identify as Christ's disciples. What a power.

In today’s first reading, Peter courageously told the high priests, who wanted to stop the apostles from preaching in Christ’s name, that the first person to whom Christians owe allegiance and obedience is God, not man. He said to them: “We must obey God rather than men.” What a courageous response.

By this response, Peter has revealed what should be the attitude and response of all Christians in the face of intimidations, or laws, rules and directions that contradict God’s commandments and the teachings of Christ, as well as in the face of temptations or desires that go against God’s teachings.  

Ours is a world where people are forced to accept practices, teachings, jobs and ideologies that contradict moral values and faith in God if they want to put food on their table. Many people have lost their jobs or promotions, friends or have been outrightly denied opportunities to work or receive assistance because of their resolve to obey God first in everything. Tragically, some of these ill-treatments are frequently perpetrated by people who identify as Christians.

Peter encourages persecuted Christians never to relent in their resolve to put God and his teachings first in everything they do and, then, reminds those who call themselves Christians yet accept and obey laws and practices that go against God’s commands that anyone who sets God and His commandments aside cannot really be called Christian.

Aware the One to whom he owes first allegiance and obedience, St Stanislaus courageously stood against the orders of king Boleslaus II and refused to give in to evil demands, even in the face of cruel death in the hands of the king while he was celebrating Mass.

May God fill you with courage to resist evil and all its demands as you embark on the activities of this Thursday. Amen.  

Fr Isaac Chima

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