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Sunday, April 28, 2024


Monday of 5th Week of Easter: Reflection 

Reading: Jn. 14:21-26

There is on other way to tell Jesus that we love Him than to keep his words, and there is no better way to convince the world that we belong to Jesus than to live as he taught us to live. These facts are at the heart of the gospel of today.

In today’s gospel, Jesus told his disciples: “He who has my commandments and keeps them, he it is who loves me…if a man loves me, he will keep my word.”

Friends in Christ, what will convince the world that we are followers of Christ is not only the number of times we shout alleluia on the street, or how beautiful we dance awilo in churches, or the number of ministries or pilgrimage sites we visit, or the number of holy pictures we post online, or the sacramentals we hang on our necks and wrists, or the number of amen we post online. While these little gestures are important, they will fail to convince the world that we are Christians if our actions especially in our relationship with people do not reflect the teachings of Christ.

Dear friends, if we keep Christ’s words, we will not only convince the world that we belong to Jesus, we will also become the abode of Jesus and the Father, as Jesus promised us in today’s gospel. Consider what our lives will be like when we have the fullness of God’s presence in us.

The virginity and spiritual life of St Catherine of Siena, whose memorial the Church celebrates today, should inspire us to love and serve Jesus with everything in us.   

May God bless your new week. Amen.

Fr Isaac Chima

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