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Thursday, April 25, 2024


Friday of 4th Week of Easter: Reflection


Reading: Jn. 14:1-6

Aware that the world is full of obstacles, trials, tribulations, hardships and other things that could make the hearts of those who believe in Him to grow faint, Jesus spoke these words of assurance and hope to His disciples in today’s gospel. He said to them: “do not let your hearts be troubled; believe in God, believe also in me.”

We should note that Jesus never promised his followers that their lives will be trouble-free, nor did he want them to believe that the presence of troubles in their lives meant that God had turned His back on them, as some ‘men of God’ would have them believe. Remember, Jesus even told His disciples that in this world, they will have troubles (Jn. 16:33).

Dear friends, today’s first reading tells us that even in the midst of the troubles that will come our way, we should not allow our hearts to be troubled, because Jesus will be there for us to help us navigate our way through, for He is the way, the truth and the life; he will carry us on the palms of his hands so that our troubles will not defeat us; he will be there to supply us with abundant grace so that our enemies will not have the last laugh in our lives.

Whatever be the situation that is causing you tears and sleepless nights, don’t let your hearts be weighed down by it. Hand it over to Jesus and believe in Him, He will not let you down.

May God be by your side to help you deal with every difficult situation this Friday. Amen

Fr Isaac Chima

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