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Saturday, April 27, 2024


5th Sunday of Easter, Year B: Homily by Fr Justin Adiele



Last Sunday we talked about the role and character of Jesus as the Good Shepherd and our ability to also be like him. By his name, by his love and by his sacrifice, we too can afford to lead others in the right path that leads to life and not to destruction. Today, we explore Jesus as the True Vine and we the branches; and we must of necessity abide in Him to be fruitful and productive both physically and spiritually.


Cut off or away from Christ, you may be doing harm, thinking that you are doing good. St. Paul before his conversion thought he was rendering service to God and country by killing and arresting believers in Christ; bearing the fruit of destruction. But when he became a Christian, he started building up the body of Jesus Christ through his missionary journeys; bearing the fruit of multiplication and peace. Paul became an example those who abide in Christ Jesus; who found the grace of repentance and turn around; and who never lacked the zeal, the courage, the grace, wisdom and strength to minister/testify for Christ; bearing the fruits of increase and spread of the faith among the gentile world.

THE SECOND READING (1 JN. 3: 18 – 24)

In the second reading, St. John tells us quite clearly the perfect and simple way to abide in Jesus Christ; and that is, “to believe in him, to keep his commandments and to love one another.” Only when we are ruled by faith, by God’s just commandments, and driven by love that we can actually bear the fruits of righteousness, peace and joy in the Holy Ghost; and bear fruits of charity, piety, justice and holiness.


In the gospel reading, Jesus was very specific and particular about abiding in him in order to bear more fruits; and apart from him we can do nothing. This passage teaches us never to cut or block our link/channel with Jesus every day of our lives. What then is your link/channel/connection with Jesus? Our sure link/connection with Jesus remains prayer and sacraments and his holy words which guide us in the path of life eternal.


Jesus has invited us to abide in Him. He has a large heart and space to accommodate all his disciples. Abide in his Word; abide in his love; abide in his Commandments; abide in his Eucharist; abide in his Church and you would have the enabling grace to bear the fruits of faith and good works which expresses itself in the increase/multiplication of believers around you. May Jesus also abide in us as he promised through the Eucharist and through the Holy Spirit, and continue to inspire us to bear the fruits of our salvation and the salvation of the whole world!

Happy Sunday!

Fr. Justin

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