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Saturday, April 20, 2024





Today is the fourth Sunday of Easter, otherwise called “Good Shepherd Sunday”. Today, we remember and extol Christ the Good Shepherd of our souls and bodies, who never wished for any of his sheep to go astray, who has always led the way for his sheep to follow, and who certainly died for the safety and the life of his Sheep. The celebration of today is meant to elicit special love and care from us towards all those placed under our care by being like him; Christ our Good Shepherd.



In the first reading, St. Peter made us understand that Jesus did not only come as our Good Shepherd to heal, save and deliver us; but even after his death and resurrection, by his name we are still healed and saved today like the cripple at the beautiful gate. Hence, we cannot continue to live in opposition and in denial of that name Jesus. By him, any fallen sheep would rise and stand again; and by his name, any lost sheep would be found again.



In the second reading, St. John expounds the special character of Christ the Good Shepherd. He talked about the great love our Good Shepherd has for us that we should be called not even his sheep, but his children and his friends. Christ our Shepherd treats us like his children and really wants us to be like him. He teaches and empowers us to be like him; to have his spirit, his wisdom, his gifts, his powers and his virtues. And his apostles and disciples followed suite and became like him, good shepherds of souls and bodies as well.


THE GOSPEL READING (JN. 10: 11 – 18)

The gospel reading summarized some of the sublime characters of Jesus our Good Shepherd; as one who never lets go of the sheep; one who cares for the life and safety of the sheep; as one who lays down his life for the sheep; and as one who guides, leads and defends the sheep not for any ransom/pay, but for love of the sheep. St. John painted a beautiful picture of Jesus the Good shepherd who is not ready to lose any one of his sheep to any destructive aggressor or intruder. Jesus our Good shepherd till tomorrow, has already instituted contingent measures to safeguard his sheep from the destructive aggression and intrusion of sin through the sacraments of His Church.



Pope John XXIII, when he was still a Cardinal (Cardinal Roncalli), played a beautiful role of a good shepherd to one of his derailing priest in Venice. One of his priests became an alcoholic and would spend every evening at the bars drinking. When the Cardinal heard about him, one evening, the Cardinal went to the bar and asked for the priest. People gathered to see what the Cardinal was doing in front of a bar. To his shock, the priest was informed that his cardinal was waiting for him outside the bar. The priest came out expecting to be scolded, sanctioned, suspended or fired. Instead, the Cardinal said to him; “Father, you are a priest, and I want to make my confession to you.” And so he took him aside and made his confessions, and the priest absolved his Cardinal. Cardinal Roncalli then said to him; “Remember, this is what you are a priest for. This is the power God has given you”. And from that moment, the priest gave up his habit of drinking. He realized how much God loves and cares for him. You too can be a good shepherd for someone going astray; you too can also love and care for others like Jesus the Good Shepherd. Yes we have seen how God operates; and we can and shall be like Him as John decreed in the second reading of today!


Happy Sunday!

Fr. Justin

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