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Wednesday, March 20, 2024

Wednesday of 5th Week of Lent: reflection


Dan 3: 14-20,24-25.28

In a world where some jobs that put food on the tables of many Christians frequently force them to compromise their faith in God, thereby leaving them in a state of constant conflict between their love/obedience for God and the material welfare of their families, the first reading of today’s Eucharistic celebration provides us with an example to follow. It is the well-known story of Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego; a story written to give courage to people who were suffering in dire and seemingly hopeless situation.


The response of the three young men to the king, which was full of faith in God against all odds, should be on the lips of those whose jobs and relationships require them to go against their faith if they must get something good out of them. They told the king that they will not compromise their faith and that their God will rescue them from his hands, and that even if their God does not rescue them, they will not still compromise their faith in Him. Can you say the same thing in all the situations that promise to make you great on the condition that you compromise your Christian faith and values?


When faith in God is strongly affirmed against the demands of the evil one, gates of hell are often let loose and cankerworms of difficulties unleashed, as was the case of the three young men where the furnace was made seven times hotter because they affirmed their faith in God. Therefore, do not lose hope in God when trials and tribulations are increasing in your life in spite of your strong faith in God, your refusal to do evil and your great contributions towards the growth of Christianity.


When the young men were finally thrown into the fire, God did not do what many people may have anticipated, instead, he sent them his angel who helped them to remain unhurt even in the fire. That was even a bigger miracle. Most times, the kind of rescue we expect from God doesn’t come to us the way we wanted it, and that doesn’t mean that God has failed us. However, God always sends us the grace to face all odds and to emerge victorious from them; He comes to us so that we will not be alone and, with His presence, even the hottest of all fires will not burn us.  If He is with you, even the worst of trials and tribulations will not defeat you.


May your Wednesday be blessed.

Fr Isaac Chima

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