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Saturday, March 30, 2024


Easter Vigil: Homily by Fr Isaac Chima

Theme: Christ’s Resurrection: A guarantee of our ultimate victory

Dearest friends, we have arrived at that night when the power of light conquered the power of darkness, that night when the Most High didn’t allow the power of death to rejoice over us. But some questions keep ringing in my mind. They are begging for answers.

Dear friends, I would like you to reflect over these questions and, possibly, answer them in your heart. Have you ever imagined what the world would have looked like if Christ never resurrected from the dead? Have you ever thought of the values that would have been supreme in this world if Christ did not resurrect from the dead? Do you realize that it took God the Father many years to prepare humanity for the coming of His only begotten Son?

Right from the fall of man in Adam and Eve, God took the decision to restore man to his lost glories. To achieve this plan, God adopted the people of Israel, sent priests and prophets to teach them to obey Him and to prepare them for the coming of His Son. The readings of this night give us a beautiful storyline in this regard. The entire world waited in anticipation for the coming of this Son of God. But, unfortunately, when the Son of God finally came, the world did not recognize him. The devil locked the hearts of the Jews from recognizing Him. The same devil, who caused the failure of Adam, wanted to drag humanity to another failure. Instigated by the devil, the Jews seized the Son of God, judged him unjustly and crucified Him. They crucified the one who had come to save them from the power of the devil. What a historic disaster, an end to the long-awaited Messiah! In the plan of the devil, the death of Jesus was to be the second defeat of humanity: the first was in Adam, the second was to be in the elimination of Jesus.

So, dear friends, if Christ didn’t rise from the dead, the plan of saving us from the dominion of the devil would have received a heavy punch. If Jesus did not rise from the dead, all stories about him would have been reduced to mere curiosity, a forgettable footnote in the crowded history of lost courses. If Jesus had not risen from the dead, the values that support evil would have been supreme on earth, injustice would have been the order of the day. If Christ had not risen, darkness would have conquered light, evil would have conquered the good.

However, dear friends, death did not have the last laugh in the story of Jesus. God did not allow the story of His only begotten Son to end with His death on the Cross, rather, His story developed another chapter, the part which says, ‘He conquered death and rose from the dead’.

So, dear ones, we are victorious because of the victory of Christ. Relying on the victory of Christ, we can comfortably look at the cross and affirm that in our individual stories, in our life’s struggles, death, hardship, trials and tribulations will not have the final laugh or the final word. The resurrection of Christ has given us assurance of victory over our own problems.

The church wants us to raise our voices today, with eyes fixed on the cross of Christ, and affirm with faith that our own trials will also come to pass. Our childlessness will also come to pass. Joblessness will also come to pass. Hatred will also come to pass. Sickness will also come to pass. Hunger will also come to pass. The resurrection of Christ is our guarantee. Easter is a time of miracles for Christians, because St Paul assured us that if we suffer and die with Him, we shall live and reign with Him in glory.

Happy Easter.

Fr. Isaac Chima

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