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Sunday, May 2, 2021

Feast of Saints Philip and James: Reflection by Rev Fr Julian O Ekeh


Image from: Saints Philip and James; Cardinal O’Connor remembered – Communio (

(John 14:6-14)

Whom you follow matters a lot in life. Today we are celebrating two apostles of Christ: Philip and James. These are men who followed Christ. It might interest us to observe in line with the message of today that Philip as a matter of fact was the disciple of John the Baptist. Later He left John and followed Jesus. He should be a soul in search of the way, of truth and of salvation. He is celebrated together with James the cousin of Christ. James was not proud neither did He allow familiarity with Christ to make Him not to follow.

They were united by the common goal, the desire to Know the way to eternal life. They lived with Christ, walked around with Him, watched Him perform miracles, listened to His teachings and stayed with Him during His day-to-day activities. But they never knew too well whom He was and what He was capable of doing. But He continued to lead for them to follow.

They were inquisitive and never wanted to have any mix-up about the teachings of Christ. They needed to be convinced so as to be able to stand on a solid foundation while teaching. Philip did not hesitate to ask of the way in order not to be lost. He wanted to know the way to the Father and Jesus told Him that He is the way. He continued by telling him that The Father is in Him and He in the Father. That is the secret of the great achievements of Christ. To follow Christ therefore, to achieve what Christ achieved, to be successful in the search for a fulfilled life however, the follower of Christ must allow the Word to live in Him. That Word is Christ. When He lives in You, He guides you in all your paths, He inspires your decisions and leads you away from evil ways. The Word in you is God Himself speaking to you concerning what to do and what not to do, what to say and what not to say, where to go, where not to go, whom to go with and whom to avoid.

It calls for total trust and abandonment. It involves entrusting your life and everything about you in the one you're following. It may be like taking a risk. You have to believe in the one you're following. This is indeed what a follower needs to succeed. Jesus assures His followers today: "Truly truly I say to you, he who believes in me will also do the works that I do and greater works than these will he do" Little wonder they became strong apostles and founders of Churches in the name of Christ.

As we celebrate these apostles today, let us learn to follow Christ all the days of our life, to ask Him the questions bothering us on which way to follow and what to do at any point in time. Let us pray against following the wrong ways and wrong persons who only come to make us miss our target in life. Let us pray for the grace to leave the various ways leading to temporary satisfaction but won't take us to our eternal destination and fulfilment. Let us pray that we may not be deceived by those who claim to know the way but end up leading men to doom. Let us pray also for the grace not to mislead people who look up to us to show them the way. Let us be open and generous to show the way to success to people and save them from frustration, depression, diabolism, ritualism and all sorts of corrupt practices in the bid to make it in life.


Oh God we pray for the grace to keep following You the Only Sure Way to our real happiness. Bring us back from our faulty ways. Forgive us for allowing ourselves to be deceived by the various persons, powers and institutions that promised to know the road to our problems. May we remain focused along the way to heaven and live heavenly here on earth through Christ our Lord. Amen

Happy Feast Day, Saints Philip and James, Pray for us.

God bless your Monday

Rev Fr Julian O Ekeh

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