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Saturday, May 1, 2021

5th Sunday of Easter Yr B: Reflection by Rev Fr Julian O Ekeh


Image from: Dusahel – Sapone Biologico e Crema Viso Biologica alla Bava di Lumaca – Colors and Bio (

(John 15:1-8)

Jesus in the Gospel of today discloses to us our relationship with Him. He   reveals to us the bond we should have with Him. He talks of the Divine interconnectedness which should exist between Him and men. He invites us to inseparable rapport with Him. He calls us to get intertwined with Him. This Holy union is indeed not a mere act but a productive one that results to the manifestation of the will of God in us. Through it we enter into God and He in return enters into us. Let us know the will of God for us.


Jesus calls Himself our true vine.  He wants to be our source of joy. He wants us to derive our life from Him. He wants us to be true branches, not weeds, not camouflage leaves. He wants us to produce what He gives us.

He insists we should remain in Him, for if not we will do nothing. We will not achieve much. Our country is unable to achieve much since independence because we have not held fast to godly principles. We have not maintained fairness, justice, truth, success by merit, encouragement of hard work etc. We say much and do less, that is why we are not producing much. We have a lot of letters of the law that are positive, but none is put into practice. Once the source of goodness is not tenaciously held unto a lot will fall apart. We find it difficult to remain. That's a big problem.

Politician do not remain with their true words that endeared them to the people. They say one thing today and do another tomorrow. They promise to serve for a tenure and stay for tenures. 

Couples do not remain in their marriage. They say 'I do' today and tomorrow they are not doing what they vowed. This affects their fruitfulness.

Students do not remain studious. They disconnect from seriousness with their studies and start pursuing ephemerals. 

Ministers at different levels abandon the True Vine and start plugging themselves here and there for power, wealth and everything that has no connection with their calling. Thus they leave the fruits they are called to bear to bear something else. For you to bear fruits, you must blend with Christ. He wants the best for you. Therefore, He decorates you.


Jesus connects with His Father and for that He succeeded. The fruit of salvation came to us through Him because He was able to remain One with His Father even when all seemed to be dry and fruitless. To be fruitful Jesus invites us to subject ourselves to the pruning work of God. He wants us to be open to dressing. He addressed the Father as the Vinedresser. 

The vinedresser does two jobs. He eliminates the branches that have refused to produce. He equally helps those making effort to do better.  In your little effort to bear fruit accept the grace of God together with discipline He gives you. Welcome the chiselling, the beating into shape, the corrections and the directions.


You will never remain the same after abiding in Christ and Christ abides in you. You will certainly bear good fruits. The Lord says that whatever you ask shall be granted. What are the withered or withering areas of your life? Why are they withering? You may have disconnected from the Divine, the true vine.  Connect back in prayers, in good works, in fidelity, in holiness and in sincerity. Do all in the name of Christ. Remain with God in your thoughts, words and deeds. Seek the will of God and the face of God in all your endeavours and you will certainly see a difference in your life.


May you be fruitful in your spiritual life.

May you be fruitful in your marital life. May you be fruitful in your business. May you be fruitful in your academics. May you be fruitful in Governance. May you be fruitful in administration. May you be fruitful in your pastoral life. May you bear abundant fruit in your vocation. May you bear sweet fruits to people around you. May you taste sweet to God and to men. May nothing separate you from the love of God. May you not be barren. May you be a fertile vine with pleasant aroma and be beautiful to behold. May the plans of the evil ones to disconnect you from the Divine never see the light of the day through Christ our Lord. Amen

Happy Sunday (Easter, Week 5)

Rev Fr Julian O Ekeh 

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