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Tuesday, April 6, 2021

Wednesday of the Octave of Easter: Reflection by Rev Fr Julian O Ekeh



Image from: Our Emmaus experience - Vince Gerhardy

(Luke 24:13-35)

The disciples on their way to Emmaus met with the resurrected Christ, spoke with Him about the dead Jesus without knowing that He was the resurrected Christ. They enjoyed the sweet company of the stranger and felt like not letting Him go. They never wanted the stranger to be caught by darkness. They didn't want the stranger to encounter the danger of the night. They took Him in for a meal. Jesus became the meal when He came. Then they realized Him in the breaking of the bread. They realized that they were the ones in darkness of the reality of Christ's identity and present state. They will no longer like to live in fear, in ignorance, in uncertainty. Thus they wished Jesus stays on.

We need to beg Jesus to stay with us lest we perish. Let Him stay with us lest the enemy laughs last. Let Him stay with us that the world may not ask: Where is their God? Let's beg God to stay with us to reveal to us the hidden truth of our country. Let God stay with us to teach us how best to handle the current affairs in our society both the good, the bad and the ugly. Let God stay with us that we may start seeing His hands operating in our lives. Let God speak words of comfort, encouragement, peace, reconciliation and joy into our hearts. When God stays with us as He stays in the Holy Eucharist and we appreciate this Holy stay with constant prayers, adoration and meditation on what is right we shall live in harmony with God and reign happily with Him in heaven.


We are lonely and afraid in this vale of tears Lord, stay with us. We are filled with discouragements and fears, Lord stay with us. Abide with us, fast falls the eventide, when temptations surround us Oh Lord remain with us. When all we see around us is darkness stay with us and brighten our way. May Your love be with us Oh Lord as we place all our trust in You. Amen

Happy Easter (Wednesday of the Easter Octave)

Rev Fr Julian O Ekeh

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