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Sunday, April 11, 2021

Monday of the Second Week of Easter: Reflection by Rev Fr Julian O Ekeh



(John 3:1-8)

Nicodemus, a Pharisee and ruler of the Jews went to Jesus by night. He will not allow the crowd to stop Him. He will not allow the noise of the noon to distract him.  He will not just take the general message meant for the public consumption. He wants to be treated personally. He wants to see how the word applies to him as an individual. He wants his case to be handled with utmost uniqueness. Nicodemus comes for a spiritual direction. Nicodemus visits for a counselling. The general conference is done but he needs special clarifications. He comes to Jesus Christ. He asks Jesus some questions. He listens to Him speak. He comes very close to Christ. He is just like a serious student that follows the teacher to the office to learn more in order not to fail.

He went to Jesus by night. He left the night to embrace the light. He moved away from darkness to enjoy the light of the day; Christ. Jesus teaches him the mystery of being born again. Jesus reveals to him the gateway to heaven. Jesus helps him to transcend from the physical to the spiritual, from the natural to the supernatural. This is what Jesus Christ can do when you come close to Him.  How close are you to Christ? How often do you go to Jesus Christ personally in the Blessed Sacrament? Do you make out time for private reading and meditation on the scriptures?

Move away from the darkness of sin, of bad friends, of being busy doing nothing, of weakness in prayers, of materialism, of ritualism, of kidnapping, of robbery, of hooliganism, of drunkenness, of sensuality, of evil addictions etc. Expose your personal need for Christ to Him and allow Him to enlighten you by His word, grace and sacraments. Encounter Christ personally today. You will go home enriched, better than you were.


Oh God thank You for today. Draw us closer to Jesus Christ Your Son to hear His spirit-filled word. May we establish a loving personal relationship with Him. May we pay attention to what the Spirit we have received in baptism is telling us daily through Christ our Lord. Amen.

God bless your day (Easter Week 2)

Rev Fr Julian O Ekeh

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