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Monday, March 29, 2021

Tuesday of the Holy Week: Reflection on the Gospel by Rev Fr Julian O Ekeh



(John 13:21-33.36-38)

The Gospel of today paints a picture of Jesus at the table with His disciples. Mealtimes are usually times of sharing intimacy, friendship, feelings, joys, and sorrows. At table, it is easier to know who is happy or not. The sad one may lose appetite and will not really eat as he used to. Before they started to eat Jesus was troubled in the spirit that one of His own will betray Him. Even though it has been written that Jesus would die, why must the betrayal come from a friend? It was painful. It is indeed a case of "Et tu, Brute". The pain lies in the statement: "One of you..." It is never expected that a friend should betray that's why all the betrayed seem to ask in tears: Even you? You, as well? And you too?

If all must, will you too? "Chaiii, oshi aka onye adighikwanu mma" (why must it come from you?)

Peter, in trying to prove that if all must betray, he will be an exemption, swore, but Jesus made it clear that even He too will deny Him before the cock crows thrice. And this he did.

In the midst of the many betrayals and denials there are still some remnants. At the table today, one of the disciples of Jesus remained close to the heart of Jesus, feeling His pains and calming His fears. He became a consolation to Him. He tries to ask Him what's the matter, he was signalled to know what is at the heart of Jesus, he asks: who is the one You speak about? Jesus showed him how to know the betrayers. Well, they are not meant to stay long. They must bring out the content of their evil heart and move out. Their relationship doesn't endure. They must go for God's glory to shine. As soon as Judas left, there was darkness. Jesus started talking about His glory.

Are you true to Jesus? Is your love for Christ real? How many times have you betrayed Jesus in the Church, in the Sacraments, in your vocation, in your profession, in your ministry, in your business, in that your friend, in your husband or wife, in your daily activities?

Do you really know the trust God has deposited upon you by making you His child in Baptism? What are the things for which you readily tell God; To hell? We should be like John the beloved and love this God that love us so much with a love that is pure, true and everlasting.


You love us so much Lord. But we have betrayed and denied you severally by our acts of commission and omission. We are sorry. Help us by your grace never more to break Your heart, never more to trouble Your heart like Judas the betrayer but remain close to Your heart like John the beloved, loving You with no intention of leaving You forever. Amen

God bless your Tuesday (Tuesday of the Holy Week)

Pray for me as I mark my birthday today

Rev Fr Julian O Ekeh

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