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Thursday, March 18, 2021

Reflection on the Gospel of the Solemnity of St. Joseph by Rev Fr Julian O Ekeh



(Matthew 1:16.18-21.24a)

We celebrate today the solemnity of St Joseph, the foster Father of Jesus Christ, the husband of Mary, the patron of the universal Church and indeed the just man. It is wonderful to celebrate him exceptionally this year dedicated to him by the Holy Father.

As we celebrate him, we thank God for the gift of such a holy man to our world. The word of God calls him the righteous man. Today's Gospel translation calls him the just man. Let us ponder on what it means to be a just man. What does it take to be just? What are the requirements and credentials of a person said to be just?

A just man like Joseph is one who will not do certain things because they are not pleasing to God.  He is one who considers the feelings of others. He is one who tries to see from the spectacles of God. He is one who desires to do the will of God. He does not allow emotions and sentiments or what people would say to make him go contrary to what God says about every situation. When he is confused, he hurries to God for direction. He is a man tempted like others, but he chooses not to disobey God.

A just man fulfils the roles given to him by God. He lives his life responsibly and accountably. Joseph did not fail in these regards. He took absolute care of the Holy Family keeping them free and safe from attacks.

A just man doesn't talk carelessly. Joseph never uttered a word. He is a silent achiever. He is a man who allows God to increase and chooses to reduce himself in God. He is meditative and reflective. These explain while he was able to hear the angel's voice most of the time. He is an exemplary personality whose actions speak louder than his voice. He is a good leader and protector, not attracting problems but ready to fight them with the spiritual weapons when the time comes. He is a man who relinquished his name for God's name to be heard louder and clearer. He gave up his fatherhood for God's Fatherhood to be manifested. From him we learn to give up our worth and pray God to give value to our little worth.

Let us aspire to live justly and impeccably before God. Let us endeavour like Joseph to give God chance to use us to manifest his glory. Let learn to be humble and chaste. Let us be inspired to take up the tasks given to us by God and to account well for all that Lord has given to us: our children, wife, husband, talents, opportunities etc. Let us not feel ashamed to be known with simplicity. Let us bear witness to God, not just with words but with lifestyles like Joseph. These will make us just before the Lord. Let us not worry about the honour and fame of the world but be much concerned with God's expectations on us and be ready to bow out when we have achieved it.

Joseph is a good model for the youth facing crises in relationship, in spiritual life, in economic matters etc. He won his title 'just man' as a young man. What title will you win today as a young boy or girl? He continued to live out his righteousness as a Father and husband. He played the Father role perfectly to Jesus that people never knew he was not the biological Father. He played the husband role respectfully and in a caring manner to Mary that even in difficult moments she experienced what true love meant.

Joseph is indeed an important figure for us all in the Church: The celibates, the married, the single, the searching, the troubled, the persecuted, the tempted, the insulted, the humiliated, the exiled, the terrified etc. But the message is that in all these he remained a man who pleased the Lord. We all can please the Lord, live righteously and die a happy holy death in the Lord even in all these circumstances of our existence and be numbered among the saints in heave.


Almighty God, we thank You for the special gift of St. Joseph to us. Help us to emulate him in living a holy life. Give us the grace to carry out all the tasks you have entrusted to us. May we overcome the temptation of losing faith and entering into the trap of the evil one. Protect us and protect Your Church, guard and defend our families and friends through the powerful intercessions of St Joseph. These we pray through Christ our Lord. Amen

God bless your day.

Happy solemnity of St. Joseph.

Rev Fr Julian O Ekeh

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