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Wednesday, March 31, 2021

Holy Thursday: Reflection by Rev Fr Julian O Ekeh



image from: The Last Supper | Sophia Institute for Teachers

(John 13:1-15)

Today is the birthday of two holy inseparable twins namely the Eucharist and the ministerial Priesthood.  Eucharist is the Greek word for thanksgiving. This is demonstrated in what Jesus did at the Last supper when He took the bread and chalice and gave thanks (As recorded in 1Cor 11:23-26). In celebrating it, St Paul urges us to proclaim the Lord's death until He comes. In the Eucharist we give God thanks for loving the world to the end and sacrificing His life on the cross for man. We give God thanks for leaving Himself for us as food to be eaten. We give thanks for communion with God and are challenged to enter into communion with each other in pure love. Thus, it is not just about eating and drinking but living and making the eternal sacrifice perfected on the altar of the Cross renewed from generation to generation, for ages unending to eternity.

For this reason, Jesus ordained and commissioned His apostles. He teaches them how to perpetuate this Great Sacrament, through service and love. That is why He came down from the table to wash their feet. Peter refused but Jesus insisted. This washing of feet became very important in the celebration of today.



Let us leave our ivory towers and come down. Jesus the High Priest of the New Covenant came down, who are we not to bring ourselves down? We should be humble. This is a good way of appreciating the Eucharistic Jesus. Let the celebrating priest also remember that He is called to serve the people. Let all of us sharing in the common priesthood of the faithful be ready to serve one another and not always desiring to be served. Christ came down and gave His life for many. How many people have we given our lives for? Come down dear.


To wash the feet, one must kneel. Kneeling denotes reverence and respect. Just as the bell invites us to kneel when the Blessed Sacrament is being carried from one place to the other, let us revere each other for the Christ in them. By doing this we are saying thank you to the Eucharistic Jesus.


The Eucharist purifies our hearts of sin and prepares it for the journey to eternity. Let us get purified through the Holy Eucharist. Let us help one another to get purified. Let's encourage each other to journey on. Let us serve them in holiness, give them peace, share our understanding and good words with them. Let us, like Abraham who washed the feet of the traveling strangers, offer a hospitable hand of purification to one another as we make our way to heaven. When we do this God with be glorified and appreciated.


A good number of people are not open just like Peter who initially refused to accept the service of Christ.

Are you open to the service of the priests of God trying to reconcile you with God? Do you hear Jesus when He tells you if I do not wash you, you have no part in me?  Receive the washing at the confessional, receive the washing hand of Jesus in the Holy Eucharist and reply Amen.


Thank You Jesus for calling us to share in Your supper, a memorial of your Passion. Help us to ever live in appreciation for the gift You have bestowed on us in this Sacrament. Bless Your priests who perpetuate this Thanksgiving Celebration. Bless us and grant that we may have a share in You now and in eternity through Christ our Lord. Amen.

Have a fulfilled Holy Thursday Celebration.

Rev Fr Julian O Ekeh

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