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Friday, February 12, 2021

Reflection on the Gospel of Saturday Week 5 by Rev Fr Julian O Ekeh



(Mark 8:1-10)

Jesus feels with the hungry crowd in the desert. They have been with Him for three days and had nothing to eat. He never wanted to send them away so that they will not faint on the way. The disciples were wondering how Jesus was to concretize His compassion towards the crowd. They asked Him the possibility of feeding such a number of people in the desert.

He asked them how many loaves they had. It was seven loaves and a few small fish. Jesus asked them to hand it over to Him. He blessed them giving thanks, broke them and handed them back to be shared. The result was amazing. Great miracle followed.

What have you? How many loaves do you have? Give them all to Jesus. The Lord Jesus stretches out His hand for you to hand over your insufficiency, your lack, your little, whatever you have to Him. Hand over your family issues to Him. In the desert of your business, do a hand over. Hand over that your small money in your bank account to Jesus. Put it to good use and believe God to bless you. You've got to hand over your little salary to God. With it, God will help you in raising your children.

Wait a moment, in this desert of lack and poverty in the country, could it be that some people hand over their little to wrong hands? Have you wasted the little upon which God wants to build you up on frivolities? Hand it over to the only holy hand. The hand of God on whatever we do and whatever we need, whatever we have and whatever we will be makes a whole lot of difference.

May God bless your little effort, may He show compassion to us in our hunger for justice, for peace, for true love and for progress.


We hand over to you Oh Lord our nothingness, our littleness, our desert experiences and all our lacks. We transfer them all into your holy hands. Bless them, give them back to us in a more favourable and satisfied way. Do not allow us go starved of your goodness. May your love be with us as we place all our hope in you for if you send us away, we will have no place to go. Keep us safe in thy hands through Christ our Lord. Amen

God bless your Saturday (5th Week, Ordinary Time, Yr B)

Rev Fr Julian O Ekeh

Image from: Wednesday of Trinity 7: What Was Jesus’ Yeast? - Gnostic America

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