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Saturday, January 9, 2021

Reflection on the Gospel of Saturday after Epiphany by Rev Fr Julian O Ekeh



(John 3:22-30)

People reported Jesus to John the Baptist. It sounds funny right? But it happened. They thought John was greater than Jesus. They thought John was more a baptizer than Jesus, without knowing Jesus was the owner of baptism and the one in whose name every baptism is held. It is for His sake that John was baptizing.

John did not waste time to clarify them and set the records straight. He must have laughed at their ignorance. He told them straight whom He is and whom He is not. He told them that He (John) is not the Christ.  More importantly that Christ must increase while He must decrease.

Who is increasing in your life? Are you allowing Christ to shine bright in your home? Who is stealing the praise and glory due to Christ in your life? Have you taken the decision that come what may, Christ must be your one and only Primus? Are you determined to make your love for things of God greater than your love for any other being?

As you step out today, make Christ number one, make Him the leader, put Him in front, make Him all that matters in your life. He's bigger than your worries, your sorrows, your problems, your temptations, your challenges. Just Increase your reverence and worship of God. Don't place yourself, money, friends, work, position before God. With God you will have these others in abundance. Oh yes! And greater joy at last. Believe it nwa Chukwu.


You're great and worthy of my praise and adoration, Oh Lord. I confess with John the Baptist today that you must increase while I must decrease. I decrease into you; I invoke your greatness upon my life. Manifest your great power in my life. May I not see the fake greatness the enemy wants me to believe is real. Open my eyes to consider and appreciate how great thou art in my life all the days of my life. Amen

God bless your day (Saturday after Epiphany)

Rev Fr Julian O Ekeh

Image from: He must increase, I must decrease | volgdeboereninzuidafrika (

#John3:22-30 #ChimaIsaac #EkeJulian #Increase

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