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Sunday, January 10, 2021

Reflection on the Gospel of Monday of Week One Yr. B by Rev Fr Julian O Ekeh



(Mark 1:14-20)

With the season of Christmas over, the Church starts the Ordinary Season. The 'ordinariness' of the season lies in the fact that during this period there is no special aspect of Christ's life that is celebrated. The weeks in this season are numbered and ordered. Thus, 'ordinary' here is not just 'common' as English translates it. It is derived from ordo, and then 'ordinalis' (numbers in a series)

The season is also described as "Time through the Year" (Tempus per annum). During this time, the mysteries of Christ in all its aspects is celebrated and not just in particular.

 It is not a time when nothing happens or when banality is encouraged. It is a serious season of the Church, when we should pattern and order our lives following the dictates of Christ in toto. It is a time to live out the word of God, a time of following Christ. Through Christ we enrol ourselves in loving discipleship. We are called upon to deepen our spiritual awareness of God in our midst in our day-to-day activities.

The vestments change to green, implying that we should allow the graces we have accumulated in the various seasons to blossom. We've got to remain alive. That's the invitation.

To remain alive in Christ, the Lord calls us to get connected to himself. He calls us out of the many activities of our lives. He calls us to leave all we do that distract us from following Him.

Just as in the gospel of today He called the men that turned to become His apostles, He calls us as well to become His apostles in our family, in our offices, in our workplaces.

Can you decide to renew your spirit of following God this season? Can you give God an opportunity to school you with His word and direct you especially in the midst of the confusions and troubles of our world today?

Let's Follow Christ zealously. We shall not regret it.


Thank You for this day, this season, and the changing times Oh Lord. You remain the Lord of all our situations. Call us to your side and keep us safe there. Keep us safe from bad government, from sicknesses, from insecurity, from poverty and from evils. May no trouble ever make us stop following you the way we ought now and for ever. Amen.

God bless your Monday (Ordinary Time, Yr. B)

Rev Fr Julian O Ekeh

Image from: Matthew 4 - Wealthy Fisherman Follow Jesus - YouTube

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