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Tuesday, November 3, 2020




(Luke 14:25-33)

Jesus makes the cross a necessary staff we all must carry as we follow Him. He tells us what it takes to follow Him. We've got to put the cost of discipleship into consideration. Thus, Jesus invites us to bear our cross and come along.

We all have our different crosses, of different shapes and sizes. These crosses are our daily problems, worries, weaknesses, pains, tears and fears. They are in our homes, offices, workplaces, Churches, Schools and so on.

The crosses are constructed and designed by our own friends, family members, colleagues and confidants. They may come in the form of heartbreak, endless misunderstandings, working so hard and earning very little, sickness, death of loved ones, vocation crisis, marital problems, accident etc.

To one without Christ they are only problems but for a Christian they are pathways to success and joyful solutions.  And so, Jesus encourages us not to give up no matter how heavy ladened they may seem to be. He was an example for us. He carried His own cross: the disappointments, the betrayals, the chastisements, the insults, the humiliations, the spiting, the mocking, the falls and so on.

On our journey wherever we may find ourselves, let us not think it will always be easy. Nothing good comes easy; this we must know. There's no rose without a thorn, there's no crown without a cross. Expect the rainy days. It is a hard truth. When they come, get God involved. God will not allow them to kill us.

Offer up whatever you're passing through to Jesus Christ.  Don't stop following, don't stop living. Don't ever stop being a Christian. Don't stop going to Church, don't curse God.

God will give you the grace to sail through.

As you follow with your cross, may the goodness and blessings of God continue to follow you.

Let us pray

Oh, my Jesus, through your cross you set us free. You invite us daily to carry our own crosses and come along. As we come before you today, we are carrying our different crosses, may they not weigh us down. Keep our spirit and eyes fixed eternally on you. May we believe strongly that you can save us through the cross we bear. May your own cross continue to be a sign of blessing for us in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. Amen

St Charles Borromeo, pray for us.

God bless your Wednesday. (30th Week, Ordinary Time)

Rev Fr Julian O Ekeh

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