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Thursday, November 5, 2020




(Luke 16:1-8)

The master praised the astuteness of the shrewd servant in today's gospel reading. Jesus consequently points out that the sons of this world are wiser than the sons of light.

This servant in the parable of Jesus realized that he was to lose his stewardship. He decided to reduce the values of the debt owed to his master as he documented before. By such an act, he hoped to have people who will welcome him when he is thrown out. What are the unnecessary things you accorded great values?

Jesus teaches us to be wise, to know really what matters in our dealings with people and in our relationship with God. He challenges us to stripe the things of this world the unnecessary values we have given to them and think rather of what matters. Everything must not be to gain. We must not always win in the argument. We should go for what is true value for us. It is not all about accumulations, it must not be money. There are times we must sit ourselves down and be sorry for our fraudulent acts, for our cheating, for misusing the various opportunities the Lord gave us to make heaven.

It is time for us to check well, if so far we have done well in being accountable with what God entrusted to our care. If we have not, then let us put things right. Let us start to set the records straight, so that God will see what will make Him smile about us.

Have you been fair in managing the family in your care? Have you been human enough in your dealings with humanity? Have you discharged your duty in your office or your ministry with responsibility and accountability? If not, think of the time when an account will be demanded of you.

Ensure you win the favour of God and the goodwill of the people of God wherever you find yourself, so that when the  accumulations and wealth of this world pass away, you may not lose the love of God and eternal joy. That's what matters. Every other thing is an accident.

Let us pray

Grant us oh Lord the wisdom that comes from you that we may be able to be proactive in our relationship with you and our fellow human beings. May our eyes be fixed on you and on doing the things that matters, the things that will give you glory. Bless the works of our hand. Make us conscious that we are only stewards. May we be determined to please you our heavenly Father through Christ our Lord. Amen

God bless your Friday ( 31st Week, Ordinary Time)

Rev Fr Julian O Ekeh

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