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Wednesday, October 14, 2020

Reflection on the Gospel of Wednesday Week 28 Year I & II by Fr. Fr Julian O Ekeh



Luke 11:42-46

In a society that has lost the sense of morality: what is right or wrong, what ought to be done or not, how to act or how not to act, Jesus insists on the "oughtness".

Here are His words to the Pharisees: "You...neglect justice and the love of God; these you ought to have done, without neglecting the others"

Jesus harps on two important virtues, the virtues of Justice and Love of God. He maintains that we uphold them and never neglect them. Justice here involves giving each one his due. It has to do with respect for human dignity and human rights as endowed by God. It is the love of God that would motivate us to love God. We should bear in mind how much God loves us and allow it to move us to care for people, not to inflict harm on them. Jesus wants us not to be like the lawyers and Pharisees he reproached in the Gospel who make the life of others unbearable.

Are you doing what you ought to do according to divine perspective? Do you deny others what is rightfully theirs? Do you take undue honour? Do you suppress and oppress people? Do you have compassion at all?

Jesus wants us to have a loving heart. He wants us to be guided by justice which will enable us to give God the honour due to Him and not look down on people around us even in their shortcomings. Jesus wants us to be accommodating and open to welcome positive values we lack from people around us.

Jesus wants us to live according to His Holy will for us.

He wants us to live out the morality of the Gospel in a world that doesn't want to hear about what ought and what ought not to be as dictated by God. Be guided not by doing whatever. It is a careless living to do so. The question that should guide your decision on every action before undertaking should be: Is it what I ought to do? At the end of each day, we should also examine each of our actions with the question: What I did today, is it what I ought to have done? Was I just and loving as I should have been? May God help us.

Let us pray

Oh God, we pray for the grace not to neglect justice and love. We pray for your wisdom to know what we should do and what we shouldn't do at any point in time. We cannot really do without your direction. We need your moral instructions. Help us not to pay deaf ears to your gracious calls. Save us from daily falls. Bless us and save us from eternal woes through Christ our Lord. Amen

God bless your Wednesday

Rev Fr Julian O Ekeh

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