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Wednesday, October 14, 2020

Reflection on the Gospel of Thursday Week 28 by Fr Julian O Ekeh


(Luke 11:47-54)

Jesus, in today's Gospel reading, reproached the present generation that builds on the evils of the past generation. He called them witnesses who give consent to the deeds of their fathers. Their fathers killed and they built the tombs. They consolidated the evil of their forefathers.

This is the sad tale of what the prophets went through in Israel. It is a narration of an apparent defeat of the good by evil over time. Thus, Jesus addresses the present generation; a generation more enlightened than the past, a generation that God has visited in person. Yet they lived loving and living according to past errors. Jesus assures them if they fail to destroy the evil foundation to build a new one, that they must pay for it. In his words, he pronounced: "... The blood of all the prophets, shed from the foundation of the world, may be required of this generation, from the blood of Abel to the blood of  Zechariah, who perished between the altar and the sanctuary."

What should be our attitude towards erroneous and faulty foundations?  We should disconnect ourselves from them as much as possible. In a world suffering from problems and evils created long ago, we should make a positive change and difference. Such issues as racial discriminations are supposed to be things of the past, but the world has continued transferring them from one generation to the other. Various caste systems in different parts of the world that should have given way for one love and unity are still plaguing us. The same hatred that led to civil wars are still refreshed on daily basis, making cold wars unavoidable. Family problems and disputes that took lives years past are still taking lives today. People continue fighting an evil battle. People are blinded by what they were told by their fathers and the promises they made to them to uphold an evil course even after realizing they are making mistakes and wallowing in error.

It is indeed a sin to support evil no matter who is involved. Is it not time for us to tell ourselves the truth and correct the mistakes of our fathers? Is it not yet time for African youths to rise and correct the bad leadership status quo instituted by our corrupt political forefathers? Has the time not come for the various neo-colonial masters to liberate their captives even when they do not know that they are in bondage? Is it not yet time for the western world to stop sponsoring terrorism in the third world nations of Africa?

God will not smile at us if, after seeing the mistakes of those who were there before us, we too make same. It is evil to continue building on evil, to promote evil, to keep quite in the face of evil, and to be compromised by the dividends of evil. Let the old evil way be destroyed. Let the new begin. Let old way of intimidation and murder stop, let the old way of sectionalism stop. Let the old way of religious crisis stop. Let the old way of brutality in the hands of those who should protect us stop. Let the old way of molestation and abuse of minors and vulnerable adults stop. Let the evil of promoting anti life programs be discouraged. Let us build on the solid foundation of love, peace and unity for progress, development, and happiness. 

Let us pray

Heavenly Father, you have called us to ensure we do not build on faulty foundations. There are many wrong foundations in our families, in our marriages, in our country, in the Churches, in our various institutions and workplaces. Your word said that 'foundations once destroyed, what can the just do?' The just must hold unto you as the only solid rock, as our Alpha and Omega, as our cornerstone. Even when the whole world rejects this cornerstone, give us the courage to hold it firm and build on with you as our architect. Make of us a beautiful edifice to the greater glory of your holy name, through Christ our Lord. Amen.

St Theresa of Avila, pray for us

God bless your Thursday

Rev Fr Julian O Ekeh

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